
forebody stage Learn more about forebody stage

  • Prevention and treatment of rabies in nutria

    Prevention and treatment of rabies in nutria

    The main results are as follows: 1) in the forebody stage, the mice were short-term depressed and slow in movement, and the symptoms in this period were not easy to detect. 2) during the exciting period, the mice showed excitement, aggressive behavior, attacking people and other animals, biting, scratching and tearing all the objects encountered. Infected mice can damage their tongues, teeth,

    2020-11-08 Raising sea nutria rabies disease prevention and treatment forebody stage this a period of time
  • Jinding duck

    Jinding duck

    Originated in Longhai, Tongan, Nanan, Jinjiang and other counties and cities in Fujian Province, it is one of the high-yield breeds of egg duck in China. Jinding duck has a long body, with red-brown forebody, gray-brown back, dark markings on the belly, dark brown wing feathers and dark brown tail feathers. The mother duck has a thin and compact body and a plump belly. The whole body feathers are reddish brown sparrow feathers and mirror feathers. Beak yellowish green, shank web orange, iridescent brown. The adult male duck weighs 1.76 kg. The mother duck weighs 1.78 kilograms. The female duck begins to lay at 120 days old and lays 280 eggs a year.

  • Introduction of improved breeds of Luoyun Ma Duck

    Introduction of improved breeds of Luoyun Ma Duck

    Jinyun sesame duck is a famous local breed of egg duck in China, which is famous for its early maturity, high egg production, low feed consumption, strong disease resistance and wide adaptability. Appearance features: the body is light and narrow, the snake head is full of eyes, the mouth is long and neck is thin, the forebody is small and the rear body is large, the buttocks are plump and drooping, and when walking, the body extends forward at an angle of 45 °with the ground, the body structure is symmetrical, compact and sturdy, with a typical egg duck body shape. Among them: ◎ I (brown sesame duck) female duck is mainly brown freckled feathers, lighter belly color, yellow beak, orange chest and poof (red)

  • Characteristics of Luxi cattle

    Characteristics of Luxi cattle

    Characteristics of Luxi cattle

  • Selection method of laying duck breed

    Selection method of laying duck breed

    Selection method of laying duck breed

  • What is a good breed of beef cattle?

    What is a good breed of beef cattle?

    What is a good breed of beef cattle?

  • Teach you how to give a pig an injection

    Teach you how to give a pig an injection

    Injecting pigs is the main method to prevent and treat pig diseases. Several injection methods are usually used, such as intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and so on. Intramuscular injection is rich in blood vessels, and the injected solution is absorbed quickly. in addition, the distribution of sensory nerves in muscle is less, and the pain caused by intramuscular injection is less, so it is the most commonly used method of injection. The injection site is generally chosen in the muscular buttocks or neck. When injecting, first shearing, disinfecting, holding the syringe in the right hand, piercing the needle vertically. The depth depends on the size of the pig.

  • How to give a pig an injection

    How to give a pig an injection

    Injecting pigs is the main method to prevent and treat pig diseases. Several injection methods are usually used, such as intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection, intravenous injection, intraperitoneal injection and so on. Intramuscular injection is rich in blood vessels, and the injected solution is absorbed quickly. in addition, the distribution of sensory nerves in muscle is less, and the pain caused by intramuscular injection is less, so it is the most commonly used method of injection. The injection site is generally chosen in the muscular buttocks or neck. When injecting, first shearing, disinfecting, holding the syringe in the right hand, piercing the needle vertically. The depth can be determined according to the size of the pig.

  • How much is a Luxi scalper?

    How much is a Luxi scalper?

    How much is a Luxi scalper?

  • How much is a Samoyer?

    How much is a Samoyer?

    How much is a Samoyer?

  • Covered with treasures: Texas donkey

    Covered with treasures: Texas donkey

    Dezhou donkey originated in Binzhou City, Shandong Province, Dezhou City along the Bohai Sea counties, to Wudi as the central production area, also known as "Wudi Donkey". It is not only one of the large donkey species in China, but also an excellent local breed. At present, it has been listed as a local breed protection list by the state. In terms of appearance, it can be divided into two types: "three pink donkeys" and "black donkeys". Dezhou donkey is deeply loved by farmers all over the country because of its strong adaptability, resistance to rough feeding and strong disease resistance. Dezhou donkey has been introduced as breeding livestock by 24 provinces and cities, such as * *, Shaanxi, Liaoning and so on, and it has also brought considerable economic benefits to farmers.

  • Dezhou donkey

    Dezhou donkey

    Dezhou donkey originated in Binzhou City, Shandong Province, Dezhou City along the Bohai Sea counties, to Wudi County the best quality (also known as Wudi Donkey). It is not only one of the large donkey species in China, but also an excellent local breed. At present, it has been listed as a local breed protection list by the state. In terms of appearance, it can be divided into two types: "three pink donkeys" and "black donkeys". Dezhou donkey is deeply loved by farmers all over the country because of its strong adaptability, resistance to rough feeding and strong disease resistance. Dezhou donkey has been introduced as breeder by 24 provinces and cities, including Shaanxi, Liaoning and so on.

  • Is it easy to raise sika deer? How is the sika deer introduced? what are the specific conditions for breeding?

    Is it easy to raise sika deer? How is the sika deer introduced? what are the specific conditions for breeding?

    Sika deer farming has now become a new industry, but many people still dare not try, for fear that sika deer is not easy to raise. Do not know how to introduce sika deer? Let alone what conditions do you need to raise sika deer? For this reason, the editor will sort out these related questions for you. Is it easy to raise sika deer?

  • How much is a Labrador?

    How much is a Labrador?

    How much is a Labrador?

  • Life expectancy list of Top Ten famous Dogs

    Life expectancy list of Top Ten famous Dogs

    The lifespan of dogs is mostly related to breed, body type, feeding conditions, amount of exercise, disease and other factors. In many cases, hybrid dogs live longer than purebred dogs. Today, the editor will give you a list of the top ten famous dogs. No. 10: North

    2020-11-11 Ten daimyo dog lifespan ranking mostly and
  • Efficient breeding techniques of Luxi Yellow cattle

    Efficient breeding techniques of Luxi Yellow cattle

    Efficient breeding techniques of Luxi Yellow cattle

  • Growth stage of White-feathered broilers

    Growth stage of White-feathered broilers

    Growth stage of White-feathered broilers

  • Planting time of corn

    Planting time of corn

    Planting time of corn

  • Pepper growth cycle

    Pepper growth cycle

    The growth cycle of pepper includes four stages: germination stage, seedling stage, flowering and fruiting stage. From seed germination to the appearance of the first true leaf is the germination stage, from the first true leaf to the first bud is the seedling stage, and from the bud of the first flower to the fruit of the first flower is flowering and fruit.

    2020-11-09 Pepper growth cycle including germination period
  • What should be paid attention to in the ear stage of corn?

    What should be paid attention to in the ear stage of corn?

    What should be paid attention to in the ear stage of corn? Please introduce that the ear stage of corn refers to the period from jointing stage to male ear flowering stage. Summer interplanting corn or summer direct seeding corn usually takes 25 Mel and 30 days. The vegetative growth and reproductive growth of maize at the ear stage are carried out at the same time, which is the most exuberant period. Corn is fond of temperature and required for growth and development at ear stage.
